Photo: The Plymouth Rockers
Senior chorus celebrates summer with a concert featuring classic hits.
Join the Plymouth Rockers as they light up the stage at the Hilde Performance Center. The signature red-jacketed Plymouth Rockers will run through a repertoire of classics from the ’50s–’60s, plus a few patriotic tunes for good measure.
The Plymouth Rockers is a chorus of more than 65 singers, all 55+, whose members originate from the Twin Cities Metro Area. Since its humble beginnings as an eight-member group singing in assisted living homes, the Plymouth Rockers has made it its mission to bring joy and music to those who are limited in seeing live performances.
Plymouth Rocker and board member Lynne Ferguson says that she and her fellow members get as much out of it as they put in. “We all volunteer our time to bring enjoyment to others, but we also get a lot of sociability out of the group,” Ferguson says. “It’s friendship, and it’s doing things for the community.”
The Plymouth Rockers will be performing a free, live event 7–8:30 p.m. August 10 at the Hilde Performance Center, 3500 Plymouth Blvd. Find more at plymouthrockers.org.