Affectionate Nose Touch by This Cute Fox Couple!

by | Feb 2023

Two red foxes touching noses in a snow-covered backyard.

Photo: Jan Speak

Award-winning photograph captures affectionate display.

“My friend/neighbor, who lives a block away from my house in Plymouth, notified me on a very cold day that she had two red foxes in her backyard. I raced over to her house with my camera and, since it was such a cold day, she had me come inside to one of her upstairs bedrooms that overlooks her backyard … Believe it or not, capturing a good photo of a fox or a fox pair has been on my bucket list for a few years. I have only seen a fox two other times in the wild before, but they were both too far away to get a decent photo. I was in heaven seeing this fox couple, especially from the comfort of my friend’s home.” —Jan Speak

Photographer: Jan Speak
Title: Affectionate Nose Touch by This Cute Fox Couple!
Equipment: Nikon D5000 camera, Sigma 150-600mm lens
Location: Neighbor’s house in Plymouth
First Place: Nature & Wildlife


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