Pexels/cottonbro studio
It’s never too late to learn to skate at the Plymouth Ice Center.
With winter around the corner, people are preparing themselves for the inevitable Minnesota cold season: That beach you love will soon be a sheet of ice. However, there might be a silver lining at Plymouth Ice Center’s Cutting Edge Skate School.
“We offer skating classes for ages 4 and up,” says Char Martin, skating program director for the Plymouth Ice Center. “In Minnesota, I feel it’s important for everyone to know how to ice skate; the winters are so long here. It’s a real fun activity that gives you great exercise.
“And, it is never too late to learn how to skate,” adds Martin, who currently teaches a 67-year old man who didn’t start skating until about 10 years ago because of health issues. “He has had a clean bill of health since.” 763.509.5264; plymouthmn.gov