iStock/Aninka Bongers-Sutherland
Healing comes in many forms, which is why we’re pleased to introduce a new voice in this column. Douglas Broman, founder of Broman Chiropractic & Wellness Center, shares some tips on how to mitigate stress during the holiday season.
Social events, the busyness of preparing to entertain, purchasing gifts and the expectations of family all can contribute to stress during the holidays. The following are five points to consider:
- Knowledge is power. Be aware of the things in life that stress you out most. Take time for self-reflection, and manage your expectations. Be realistic.
- Get adequate rest. Get seven to eight hours of sleep each night, so your body can repair and recuperate. Lie on your side or back on a firm mattress. Support your neck with a high-quality pillow.
- Drink plenty of water. Water plays a key role in maintaining healthy muscles, joints, nerve transmission, waste removal and many bodily functions. Supply your body with enough pure water throughout the day.
- Continue your regular exercise program. During the holidays, we often neglect self care and regular exercise. Exercise is critical for stress reduction and well-being. Just 20 minutes of brisk walking every other day can help. Exercise stimulates healthy neurotransmitters and chemicals that improve your immunity and well-being. Remember to stretch!
- Improve your nutrition. During the holidays, there are many opportunities to eat sweets and desserts high in sugar. Keep up with regular consumption of lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can’t behave all the time, but you can be good most of the time.
Douglas Broman is the founder Broman Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Find more at bromanchiro.com.