We go through many different stages in life, and, with age, comes a change in nutritional needs. There are a variety of elements that can affect those needs, including medications, medical conditions and lifestyle choices. Plymouth Hy-Vee dietitian Alea Lester Fite highlights some important information.
- Fiber is important for regulating blood sugar and improving gut health and digestion. The recommended amount for adults is 25–38 grams per day.
- Calcium plays a critical role in bone health as well as nerve and muscle function. We need to focus on maintaining bone health as we age, and older adults should aim for 1,000–1,200 milligrams of calcium per day.
- Vitamin A is a primary nutrient involved in eye health but also has a part in cell growth, making it important for maintaining healthy tissues. Adults should aim for 700–900 micrograms per day of vitamin A.
- Vitamin D has important roles throughout the whole body, including maintaining bone health through increasing calcium absorption, improving immune function and increasing cognitive function. The recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 600–800 international units per day.
Just remember the best way to make sure your body is getting what it needs is to eat well-balanced meals throughout the day with plenty of color and variety.
This information is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a medical professional for individual needs.
Alea Lester Fite represents Hy-Vee as a nutrition expert, promoting healthy eating throughout the community. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Find more online at hy-vee.com.