Photo: Rachel Nadeau
Providence Academy’s Madeline Anderson has been on the headmaster’s list every semester and captained three sports teams.
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Madeline Anderson
Providence Academy
What has been your high point so far in your academic career?
Being on the headmaster’s list for all semesters in high school. My biggest athletic accomplishments are being a three-sport varsity athlete and being voted captain for my junior soccer season, senior soccer season and senior basketball season.
What’s something that people would be surprised to learn about you?
I enjoy art. I’ve completed three years of art, and I plan to take it again senior year. My art has also been recognized at art shows in Minnesota. Some summer days when I’m looking for something to do, I take out my art stuff to paint something from my camera roll on my phone.
What have you found especially challenging or difficult in your academic career?
Balancing sports and academics is challenging, but not impossible. I’ve had days where I have a practice after school, then I have to get to another practice for a club sport, and then I come home and start my homework. I could also have a game on a school night that might not end until 9 p.m. It can get difficult to find time and motivation for schoolwork, but I have never found it impossible.
What advice would you give someone just beginning high school that you wish someone has given you?
Work to find your individualized balance or limit. Everyone’s balance of academics, sports, social activities and other extracurriculars is going to look different, so don’t try to imitate someone else’s routine. You have to find your limits and work with those to find what works best for you in terms of where you spend your time.
What is your special power?
Connecting with other people. I love giving advice and mentoring younger people, especially on my sports teams. When I was younger, some older students helped me navigate my first couple years of high school, and now I take it upon myself to do the same for others. I also try to go out of my way to make sure people feel included.
What are your plans and hopes for after graduation?
I have about 10 colleges that I’m interested in. I see myself going to a school with a lot of school spirit because I love going to sporting events and cheering on my team. I’m interested in data science because it’s multidisciplinary in the subjects I am interested in, and I can apply it to any industry.
What are your main academic interests and why?
Math—I tend to find the patterns in things and there are a lot of patterns in math. By finding these patterns, I’m able to work through difficult problems. I get a sense of satisfaction when these patterns help me complete a long and complicated problem.
What are your main interests outside of academics?
I have so much fun playing sports, and they have so many benefits. I play basketball, soccer and golf. Sports teach so many valuable lessons, and being part of a team is one of my favorite parts of high school. The relationships and memories I’ve made through sports will last me a very long time.
Who is one person who has influenced you most to excel, and why?
My mom. Even in lower school, she would hold me accountable for my academics, but also encourage me to find interests outside of school. I also think her realistic standards have helped me to succeed because she knows not everything will be perfect all the time.