Good Nutrition = Good Skin

by | Feb 2024

Start your day off right with a breakfast full of skin-boosting ingredients like egg and avocado. Pexels/Foodie Factor

Start your day off right with a breakfast full of skin-boosting ingredients like egg and avocado. Pexels/Foodie Factor

Skin is the largest organ in the body, and it’s also the most noticeable. Many of us strive to get healthier skin every day, and we can do this through the food that we eat.

  • Vitamin C is an important vitamin found in the skin that helps protect against damage and supports the production of collagen. Found in: citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes and more.
  • Zinc is a nutrient that plays an important part in wound healing. Found in: dairy products, eggs, nuts, seafood and seeds.
  • Omega 3s are healthy fatty acids that help control inflammation. Found in: avocados, nuts and seafood.
  • Selenium is a mineral that helps protect the skin against UV rays, and a deficiency in this mineral has even been linked to an increased risk of developing skin cancer. Found in: animal proteins, Brazil nuts and seafood.

While this list will help you get started, these nutrients are not the only ones that play a role in keeping your skin healthy. The best way to make sure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs is to eat balanced meals throughout the day that contain protein, whole grains and a variety of produce.

Alea Lester Fite represents Hy-Vee as a nutrition expert, promoting healthy eating throughout the community.

The information is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a medical professional for individual information.


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